How Can Car Accidents Be Prevented?
You may have heard the old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When it comes to car accidents, nothing could be truer. What are some things you can do to prevent a car accident? Here are some tips to keep in mind when out on the dangerous roads of Texas. Avoid distracted driving. As reported by the Governor's Highway Safety Association, car crashes involving distracted driving killed 3,450 people in 2016 alone. Common distractions can include phone calls, texting, social media, music, and even conversations. Avoid these as much as possible, giving your full attention to the road and surrounding traffic. Obey speed limits. Speeding is also a major contributing factor in many accidents. Although obeying the speed limit can seem annoying, the small amount of time it adds to your commute can mean a big difference in avoiding a costly accident. Never drive under the influence. Whether it's alcohol, illicit drugs, or even some prescription med...