What is the process for personal injury cases in Texas?
Thousands of injury accidents happen in Texas every year. According to the 2018 Annual Statistical Report from the Texas Judicial Branch, 50,623 new motor vehicle injury and damages cases were filed in the state between Sept. 1, 2017, and Aug. 31, 2018. In addition to the newly filed car accident lawsuits, there were 1,098 newly filed medical malpractice cases, 404 products liability cases, and 10,804 newly filed lawsuits that involved other types of personal injury claims. Many personal injury claims are settled before formal lawsuits are filed, meaning that the number of newly filed tort claims in the state last year represented a fraction of the total. However, formal complaints may be filed when injury victims are unable to reach favorable settlements so that they can litigate their matters through the court process. The experienced attorneys at Terry & Kelly, including Trent Kelly and Jim Terry, have helped hundreds of clients to reach favorable outcomes to their...